A Day of Rest… (I Wish!)

Sunday usually would be a free day for most people, but it was NOT that today.

Had to be at the community center soon after 9am to get ready for our annual neighborhood meeting at 10am.  (Was asked to help with reception and check-in.)  The meeting ended up being 2 and 1/2 hours, discussing plans for the upcoming year and looking over the budget from last year and this year.  Lots of opinions, not too many clashes… over all, a good one, and about 150 people were in attendance.

After it finished up, 20 or so members of the neighborhood planning committee set things up to have lunch.  We all chit-chatted about everything under the sun, packed up, cleaned up and got home at around 4pm.

From there, I got a call from a ramen shop owner I’m friends with and went to see him.  Stayed for dinner, was planning to come home early, but his wife came and I ended up staying much longer… like until 11pm.  (So much for coming home early!)

So, many apologies for a rather boring blog post.  It’s been a LONG day and I have an EARLY morning and thinking about all those warm, fuzzy blankets on the bed… well, I could fall asleep quite easily right here in front of the computer as I think about them.

To those of you who have just started your Sunday, may you have a wonderful 18th!  To those of you who are in my part of the world, may you have a peaceful sleep!

Good night from southern Japan… 🙂

Mr. Sandman is calling my name…

It’s almost 1am for me here in southern Japan.  Would have loved to have gotten home from walking the dog, brushed my teeth and gone straight to bed… instead, I got in the bed, turned on the computer and here I am!  =)

I’m not the best at keeping up when starting new things.  In Japan, I’m what people would call “mikka bouzu”.  Literally translated, it means to be a monk for three days.  In other words, one gives up on something as soon as there’s a bump in the road… or after three days.  =)

Getting in the bed, I glanced over at my laptop and debated for a moment.  It would be SO easy to just crawl under the covers and go straight to sleep, BUT the “mikka bouzu” part of me would win once again.  Even writing a few sentences would keep me in the “blogging everyday” game.

Apologies for the lack of content… Mr. Sandman really is calling my name and now the cats are gathering to find a warm spot for the night under the covers.

Last but not least, a big shout-out to all of you “mikka bouzus” out there.  Please don’t give up on new things you’ve started!  You can accomplish what you’ve started… trust me, if I can do it, you definitely can, too!!  =)